Based in Lincolnshire, England we are working to design and create eco friendly, handmade notebooks.
All of our Tuska Notebooks feature unique designs using responsibly sourced recycled paper, inside and out. Our bold SIGNATURE Collection covers truly make a statement. The statement behind the notebooks is even bigger, for every purchase we donate at least 50p to elephant and animal conservation charities worldwide.
Here at Tuska we are dedicated to help fund our dedicated charity, Elephant Crisis Fund to support the elimination of the illegal ivory trade worldwide.
Every year 30,000 Elephants are illegally killed by poachers for their tusks, resulting in the potentially permanent extinction of the amazing, intelligent and majestic creatures we call the Elephant.
In as little time as just one decade planet Earth could lose the Elephant which would be absolutely devastating.
Our children, grandchildren and their grandchildren are at risk of growing up in a world with just the memories of when these amazing creatures walked our beautiful planet. This is something we need to take action against here and now. Time is running out for our beloved gentle giants.